Thursday, April 27, 2006

Toastmasters Meets Southwest Writers

One of the greatest things about the Toastmasters Spring Conference was manning a table sponsored by Southwest Writers. We had a beautiful display promoting Southwest Writers and there were eight Southwest Writers' books for sale:

David Corwell - Cloaked in Shadow, Dark Tales of Elves
Jerry Davis - Home on the Farm
Jerry Davis - Tales of the Road
Mesa Dean (Melody Groves) - The Quest
Mesa Dean (Melody Groves) - Sonoran Rage
Marianne Powers - Doing the Right Thing
Sandy Schairer - Extremely Short Stories for Busy People
Raquel Troyce - Seducción, Amor y Mentiras
Gerald Weinberg - Weinberg on Writing
Lela Belle Wolfert - Wishes in the Wind

which included fantasy/science fiction, memoir, western, self-help, flash fiction, Spanish-language self-help, writing on writing, and poetry!


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