Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Then Just Teach Them and Help Them

These are the things that I do for myself when I contemplate a course of action. I have always done them for people I know and like before I ask them to do something. What I learned was that I also have to do these things even if I don’t know the person very well. And I have to do them even if I don’t like the person. I have to be completely on their side if I want someone to do something, whoever they are. If I am not on their side, I should not be asking anything of them. If I am on their side, they can safely listen to me and decide if they want to do it. And once someone had decided that they wanted to do something, I never had to threaten them (which was good, since I couldn’t), watch them, or nag them. All I had to do was teach them and help them.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time


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