Sunday, October 01, 2006

Nine Countries!

Another amazing thing that I learned from Google Analytics was that, in the few short days since I turned it on, I have had visitors from nine countries:

United States
Dominican Republic
United Kingdom

Is that cool or what!

I can't see who they are, but I can see their city, region, and country. I did have a little trouble with that at first. It was easy enough to see the country on Geo Location under Marketing Optimization-Visitor Segment Performance, but the only way I could see the city was to use the Analysis Options for each country, which was a drag. But I finally figured out that I could go to User-defined, which put everybody in the same category since I haven't defined any subcategories, and then use the Analysis Options for city, region, country, whatever I want. It's far out!

Please let me know if you know a better way or whatever else you especially like about it!

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