Sunday, March 05, 2006

Blogging 102 Become a Barnes & Noble Affiliate

To put a link to your book on Barnes & Noble (or any book or anything else they sell, because you get a commission on all of it), you must first go to and sign up for the Barnes & Noble Affiliate program (it's free). To find the link, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link that says, in little tiny print, Affiliate Network.

When you get your account, log in and click on Graphics & Links in the left hand column. Scroll down to Product Links. Then enter the ISBN number of your book (you can look it up ahead of time or use the keyword search here), and click on Make My Code. This will create HTML code to display an image of your book cover as well as a link to your book that includes your account identification (so they can pay you if someone clicks through and buys something). Click on Select All, then go to the Edit option of your browser and choose Copy.

Now you have to paste this code into your blog. From here, it is the same as pasting any other link. You can paste it into a post or your can paste it into the sidebar. To paste it in the sidebar, log in to Blogger and go to the Template tab. This will show you the HTML for your blog. Scroll past all the formatting junk on the top (more than half way down) and look for something like this:

< !-- Begin #sidebar -- >
< div id="sidebar" >< div id="sidebar2" >

< !-- Begin #profile-container -- >

< $BlogMemberProfile$ >

< !-- End #profile -- >

This tells you that you are in the sidebar and below your profile. If that's where you would like the link to be, click to put your cursor here, then go to the Edit option of your browser and choose Paste. Click on the button that says Preview. If it doesn't look good, close that window and click on the button that says Clear Edits. If it looks good, click on the button that says Save Template Changes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marianne - Thanks as always for your useful info.

As someone who knows zilch about HTML, I have a question for you. How do you put space between your ads? Is there an HTML code for "leave a line blank here"??? My ads are right on top of each other.


10:12 AM  

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