Thursday, February 24, 2005

Change! Me!

I could see that something needed to change. I tried changing jobs. In fact, I have never worked anywhere for more than three years, usually much less. I have a diverse work history. I've never been bored. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it. I learned that people and offices are pretty much the same wherever you go. I tried getting other people to change. That didn't work. I thought about trying to change myself. But I didn't want to change. I wanted to be who I am. What were my options then? I didn't know. As luck would have it, I got a job where I only worked with people for short periods of time on specific things. I came in to help, then I left. That worked pretty well! I got to practice focusing on a goal and how to reach that goal. I didn't worry about what people were thinking or what their intentions were. They were there to learn. I didn't worry about what my position was or getting something from them. I was there to teach. My attitude changed because my situation was different. But I found that my attitude was something I had control over, it was a choice! And what I said and what I did in response to other people were choices! I didn't have to change. I just had to make different choices. I could do that!


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