Saturday, December 12, 2009

Even If It's Not Your Job

When I was a consultant observing people doing their jobs, I watched someone ignore a flag that came up in the software to let her know there was no authorization. “Did you see that flag?” I inquired. “Yes.” “Are you going to let the authorizations person know the auth has been used up?” I asked. “Should I?” she asked, “ I thought she ran reports to find those.” In fact, she did, but that charge wasn’t going to be paid because whatever system the authorization person was using had failed. Although she would find it eventually, it would be better if she found it the very day of the charge when she could easily get an auth, instead of later, when some carriers wouldn’t issue one retroactively. The person I was observing was focusing only on her job, but if the company did not get paid for the service she was entering, it would not matter at all how accurately or quickly she had entered it.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time


Blogger James said...

Thanks I just found your blog and am a true believer in your position. It is all of our duty to care and be conscious & conscientious of our world/work place/life. Thanks for saying it too!

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Marianne said...

Thanks, James!

4:12 PM  

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