Monday, February 19, 2007

Moriarty Library Author Event

The Moriarty Library Author Event last Saturday was stupendous! Seventeen New Mexico authors each had a table and display space along the walls of a huge room with amazing acoustics. Even the most soft-spoken person could be heard all over the room. And even though it was very large, it was only a third of the convention hall.

I highly recommend the Moriarty Civic Center to anyone planning an event!

We had coffee, sodas, donuts, hot dogs, and chips. There were lots of places to sit and eat or look at the literature and books, and plenty of room to stroll around and visit the authors, and we could all see each other.

Each author had a chance to speak. Many of us knew each other, but even we learned a lot about how we became authors and about our different genres and books. The only thing is, next year, we must have timers. We were all so enthusiastic, it was hard to get us to stop talking!

If you are an author, talk your local librarian into sponsoring an author event. It's a blast!

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