Friday, March 24, 2006

The Journey, Live at Presbyterian's Savage Auditorium!

Thanks to Peg for asking if the speech contest where I will compete is open to the public. Yes! We love the public! The contest will be tomorrow, Saturday, March 25, at 1:00 PM at:

Savage Auditorium
Presbyterian Hospital Downtown
1100 Central SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
on Central Avenue, just east of I-25

Go in the main entrance and take a left to the purple elevators. Go down one level. When you step off the elevator, you will be standing in front of Savage Auditorium. Tell them you're there for the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. I am competing for Sandia Lite Roastmasters in the Area 24 Contest.

I would love to see you there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marianne - Let's see....I need to clean house tomorrow. Should I clean house or go to the Speechwriter's conference?

Clean house?


(picture me doing that weighing thing with my hands).

Gollee gee. Guess which won?

Heck, I can clean house ANY ol' month!

Good luck!


11:00 PM  
Blogger Peg Spencer said...

Marianne - how did it go???

I didn't make it. At 1:00 I was driving home from Bernalillo after "running line" on two soccer games and I was sweaty and exhausted and in no shape to be an attentive listener. Sorry!

Hope it went well.


8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:30 AM  

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