Thursday, February 02, 2006

Don't Take It Personally (continued)

We can do all this because we really do have a choice. We can choose not to be hurt. We can choose to be curious instead. So, don’t take it personally. Make a different choice.


Blogger Peg Spencer said...

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9:01 AM  
Blogger Peg Spencer said...

"We can choose not to be hurt. We can choose to be curious instead."

I really enjoyed this series of posts, Marianne. This is such an important concept, and one that's been "up front" for me a lot in recent years.

It's not only about choosing a different reaction for ourselves. It's also about understanding that whatever comes from another person is "their shit" (pardon my French). As my wonderful therapist says, with more decorum, "their reaction is THEIRS." In other words, it's more about them than about you.

You talk about this in your great metaphor about purple hair. They may think that you have purple hair (or that your actions were designed to hurt them) but the reality is that they have purple eyes! (or that they're hurting for some other reason unrelated to you).

Thanks for the affirmation.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pegarooni!

9:42 AM  

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