Friday, January 27, 2006

Don't Take It Personally

"Don't take it personally." I never knew what that meant. Someone said that to me right after he had repeated something really devastating someone had said about me to my face. Something totally out of sync with how I viewed myself. I must have a very expressive face. Even though I didn't say a word, being in shock, he seemed to feel that he had better say something to help me deal with what he had just told me. But it was not helpful to me for him to say "don't take it personally" when it was personal.

I still don't like that saying. But I think I understand what it means now. It's a reminder that you have a choice and a suggestion that the best choice is not to react emotionally. It's very good advice. I just like to say it differently, in a way that makes more sense to me. If you have a choice, choose not to be hurt.


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