Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oprah Winfrey

Having sent books to business owners, a college, and a government agency, I decided to go ahead and send one to Oprah. I looked all over her site and couldn't find an address. Does anyone have Oprah's address? I looked at her favorite books. I think Doing the Right Thing would fit right in with them. Finally searching outside her site for the address again, I found this most beautiful quote:

I knew there was a way out. I knew there was another kind of life because I had read about it. I knew there were other places, and there was another way of being.
Oprah Winfrey

I found it at this url, but oddly enough putting in returns a page not found message.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 addresses who up when you google, "Harpo Studios" - you get 110 N. Carpenter
Chicago IL 60607
1058 W. Washinton Blvd
Chicago, IL zip?
Do you know which is correct? I think the building is on the corner of Wash and Carpenter, so maybe either address would work.

6:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's this one:

Oprah Winfrey
Harpo Studios
1058 West Washington
Chicago, IL 60607

6:40 AM  

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