Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's What They Do Not What They Are

To accomplish our goals, we don’t need other people to be something, we need them to do something. To do something, people only have to understand what we want, agree with the goal, know how to do some part of it, and be willing to do it. It is not necessary or productive for us to figure out what people “are”, which is good, since it is nearly impossible.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hastings Santa Fe, Friday, January 30

Book Signing
Friday, January 30, 2009
5:30 PM to 9:30 PM

542 North Guadalupe
Santa Fe NM, 87501
(505) 988-3973

Local Authors!

Kathleen Medina
Born into Greyworld

Lela Belle Wolfert
Wishes in the Wind

David Corwell
Cloaked in Shadow
Dark Tales of Elves

Marianne Powers
Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Believe in Our Goals Ourselves

We must treat our allies well, so they will continue to be our allies, and because it is the right thing to do. We must treat our opponents well, so that it is possible for them to become our allies, and because it is the right thing to do. If we treat our allies well and our opponents badly, we are not trying to achieve a goal, we are trying to win a power struggle. Both our allies and our opponents will know it and neither of them will think it is a good thing. Nobody wants to be a pawn. If we believe our goals are good, we must keep trying to convince our opponents and keep trying to include them in the work and in the reward. If we give up on our opponents, we obviously don’t believe that the goal is good for them, too. We prove that they were right to oppose us. We give up on our own goal.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's Who We Are

For us to do the right thing and accomplish all our goals, it is not other people who must be something in particular, it is us. To do the right thing and accomplish all our goals, we must be consistent and fair and unbiased -- we must treat each person the same as we treat every other person, no matter who they are, no matter what they are. People are what they are and it doesn’t matter what they are. For us to do the right thing and accomplish all our goals, what we say and do cannot depend on what anyone else “is”.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

People Are Many Things

People are a conflicting conglomeration of thoughts, emotions, experiences, skills, ineptitudes, qualities, and defects. No one is perfect, or its opposite, for that matter. One word cannot sum up a person. People will not be just one thing because it is easier to deal with them that way. People will not change to suit our purposes. They are what they are. And it doesn’t matter.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Not Perfect Either

I am intelligent if you talk to me about my work. I am stupid if you talk to me about art. I am full of energy for answering calls, getting claims paid, troubleshooting computer problems, and generally figuring out how to get my job done. I am incredibly lazy at housekeeping. I am kind, cooperative, and understanding with people who help me achieve my goals. I am suspicious and critical of people who try to prevent me from reaching my goals. I have finally learned that I need to get those people on my side, if I can, instead of fighting with them.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Monday, January 26, 2009

Judging People

Of course, it could be that I was an exceptionally bad judge of people, but I don’t think the problem was my skill at it. I think the problem was in judging people at all. People seem different to other people because they are different in different situations and at different times. New experiences and insights change people and give them attributes they never had before. And people are many things at once.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Everybody Sees Them Differently

And even if I could get someone who knew the person to agree with me, there always seemed to be someone else who disagreed. Or we all agreed that someone had one attribute, but still disagreed on whether it was important, or on what other qualities or defects they had and how important those were. So, we might all have been looking at the same person, but each of us might put that person in a different box, depending on what we thought was their most important or dominant quality or defect.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Somebody Likes Them

Another clue was that even people that seemed lazy, stupid, or bad to me had friends, too. And sometimes, the people who liked them were people that I liked. Of course, there was always an explanation for that – the bad person that I didn’t like had fooled the good person that I liked – but there was another explanation. They saw the other person differently than I did.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hastings Wyoming, Friday, January 23

Book Signing
Friday, January 23, 2009
5:30 PM to 9:30 PM

4315 Wyoming NE
(Wyoming and Montgomery)
Albuquerque, NM 87111
(505) 299-7750

Buy Books from Local Authors!

Marianne Powers
Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

David Corwell
Cloaked in Shadow
Dark Tales of Elves

Kirt Hickman
Worlds Asunder

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

We Don't Know What they Are

There was a clue that I wasn’t very good at figuring out what people “are”. The clue was that it was usually easier to get agreement that someone was impossible to work with if the person I was talking to didn’t know the person I was talking about. If the only information they had was what I was telling them, they usually saw it my way. But, if the person I was talking to did know the person I was talking about, I often got an argument from them. They saw the other person differently than I did.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Thursday, January 22, 2009

People Are What They Are

I have often complained about another person, expecting the listener to understand that it was impossible for me to work with this other person because of what he or she “is” -- lazy, stupid, or whatever. Often, the person listening to me agreed. They didn’t want to work with lazy or stupid people either. But that was when I believed that I could actually figure out what a person “is”, and that what a person “is” matters.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


We all act with and respond toward other people based on what we believe about ourselves and other people. To change what is not working for us, what is making us miserable and getting in the way of our goals, we have to change what we believe. Then everything we do and everything we say changes automatically.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Friday, January 09, 2009

The Real Thing

What I know now is that doing the right thing is easy, as long as you have really found the right thing, which is also easy, but not obvious. When you do the right thing, it is right for everyone -- no anger, no retaliation, no suffering, no confusion. Come with me, then, and see if you agree.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Thursday, January 08, 2009


The way to solve the problem is by doing the right thing. For many years, I thought I was. I would do the right thing, but people wouldn't take it the way I intended. They would get angry, retaliate against me, and make me suffer, not to mention really confuse me. Doing the right thing was hard and just didn't seem to work.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Problem with People

I had a problem with people -- people who didn't understand me, people who fought me and worked against me, people whose actions were incomprehensible to me. When I finally realized what the solution to my problem was, I also realized that I had known it all along. I think it will be the same for you.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Doing the Right Thing and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time is a book about people and why we fight. It is also about how we can stop fighting, solve our problems, and achieve all our goals together. I wrote it for the man who helped me find the words (to show him that, at last, I understood), for me so that I wouldn't forget, and for you.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Page One Bookstore, Saturday, January 3

The first Saturday of the month!

That's when Page One Bookstore hosts their local author book fair in the Brew Moon Cafe from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.

Page One is at the corner of Montgomery and Juan Tabo in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I'll see you there!

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

How to We Give That to Others and Get It for Ourselves?

Friday, January 02, 2009

What Do We Want?

Different things but, principally, respect for our strengths and compassion for our weaknesses.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Why Do We Fight?

Because we are not being treated the way we want to be treated.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time