As of last night, 360,000 people had signed up for Oprah's remarkable worldwide book event with Eckhart Tolle. Oprah and Eckhart will host webinars weekly for 10 weeks, starting March 3, for the reading of his book: A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose.
Check it out here:
Oprah's Book ClubLocal discussion groups are forming all over the world. There is one in Albuquerque at the Hastings at Tramway & Candelaria. It meets the Tuesday after the webcast. You can come either from 2:00-3:00 PM or from 7:00-8:00 PM. Our group leader is Barbara Tomlin. You can reach her through the website or through Oprah's Book Club once you sign up for the event. We met for the first time yesterday.
This is going to be very exciting! The first time ever that people all over the world read and talked about the same book at the same time!! Wow!!!
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