Monday, April 03, 2006

How to Find and Keep the Best People 3

What he did was simple, something any of us could do, but it worked like magic on me.

Because of the way he was, I was different. His expectations of me were high. I exceeded them. He heard every word I said. I considered every word. I brought all of my training, experience, and intelligence to bear on everything I did. I was quick -- in understanding, in thought, in action. And I knew that he knew exactly how valuable it all was, just because he listened so well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what I hear you saying, Marianne, is that he

a) had high expectations and
b) listened well.

Both excellent qualities in a boss! Especially if a) is combined with faith in his workers that they can meet said expectations. Lucky you!

3:47 PM  

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