Monday, December 18, 2006

Believe the Best

There is no completely accurate, fast way to understand something from someone else's point of view. It takes a long time listening very carefully to their description of it before you can even get an inkling of what they're seeing. And it is not totally productive to see something from someone else's point of view. They don't have the answer either. If they did, you would be in complete agreement with them already. You need a third point of view. One that works for everybody. But you and the other person have to start from where you are and there is no way for you to help each other if you don't know where that is.

There is a completely accurate, fast way to understand where someone else is coming from. You have to take it a little on faith, believing the best about the other person, but that is just what you want them to believe about you, so it's a good deal. The other person is trying to do the right thing. He is a good person. He is doing the best he can right at that moment. Maybe not as well as he did yesterday, maybe not as well as he will do tomorrow, but just now, the best he can. There is a good reason for what he is doing.

Doing the Right Thing
and Achieving All Your Goals at the Same Time


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